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Saturday, January 24, 2009

'We are all worms, but I believe I am a glow-worm'

Do you believe we are the glow worms?

Success is often based on our ability to believe that we will succeed. And what is succeeding? What is Success? Why should we even work towards 'success' even though it doesn't benefit me?

All this questions, will eventually be answered after SYF. How can success be defined for yourself, you can decide. 3 months left down the road, this crucial period of time (maybe even those before that have passed) will decide what we will get for SYF 09.

I believe we are a glow worm, we are glow worm amongst other normal worm. We can be one if you believe that you are one too. You can be one if you work hard to.

No matter what result we may get in SYF09, in the end nothing matters, seriously nothing matters. The only definition of success then is your memories. How will SYF 09 be stored in your head? How will you tell others about SYF09? How will you feel when you think back? Will it be that of joy and happiness, or sadness and regret?


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

People who are unhappy, I will not settle anything here. But when the time comes, I trust you to speak up.