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Band Committee Outing!
Firstly, I want to thank all committee members who took part in this outing. Secondly, I want to thank Mr. Kumar and Mr. Daniel for gracing the occasion too. Third, I want to thank those people who helped out in buying all the ingredients and preparing the food.
Dear Committee, I seriously hope that this outing is a meaningful one, and even if we didn't play any bonding games, I hope that you all have seriously bond together, and know that it is important to make sure that the committee is together. Just like how everyone helped to carry the food to east coast park, how Habib, Farhan, Enzhao rotate the big big heavy box among each other. Just like how you all helped each other in rollerblading, how you all fell on your butts and clinged on each other for support. Just like how Farhan and Habib helped me in trying out the bicycle, how they taught me step by step how to ride it. Just like how we couldn't start a sucessful fire among ourselves, and relied on our conductors (Kumar/Daniel) to save the BBQ night. I hope that you all can take example from these events and apply it to the band. No matter what, we should always stick together. Within ourselves we can accomplish that much of things, and although within ourselves we cannot accomplish certain things, we have to put our trust into our conductors to help us through the crisis. It is just a simple logic of building teamwork and trust. As long as we are united, nothing can bring us down. A bronze, silver, gold is merely a medal. Seriously, if at the end of the day, I see that our committee is really really bonded, and is willing to make sacrifices for each other, I wouldn't feel hurt even if we got COP. (of course I don't want to get COP la) But, a medal is only a medal. Even if we got a gold, but we weren't united, 10years later, who will actually remember what you get? But if we got a silver, with a bonded committee, the friendship/bond stays forever. Seriously, forever. I know I sound really really cliche here, all the mushy and corny words, but it works. No post is higher than any post, ranking is superficial, Drum Major, Band Major, whatever. Let me tell you, WE ARE NOTHING WITHOUT A BONDED COMMITTEE. So, I want to thank all committee again, and I hope to see us working well for a sucessful and astounding band camp during the december holidays! Takecare, and see you all real soon (: Don't forget to do your homework also please, work hard, play hard :D Gambate!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hey guys. Just so you know, attendance for the past few days have been alot better than usual. And for that, I really really want to thank all of you.
Yes, I know. Waking up early in the morning to reach school by 8+ am is no easy thing to do, and pretty much of a chore. And to practice for 7 to 8 hours everyday sometimes can really be killing. Getting our lips both numb and sore throughout is not one's ideal holiday, no? But whatever it is, I hope you guys know that all these practices are really essential to build up Questband.
And like what Mr Tan said to us and to Mr Kumar, we are improving. No rather, we have improved alot already. But alot is still not enough for us to achieve that Silver everyone have been yearning for. Thus, please please please continue to go for band practices next week.
Remember to bring your pencils and pegs!
Mandy :}